Saturday, August 05, 2006
I'm posting from my bed, Sucka's!

That is right...
picture a warm less hairy version of this.
right this very moment I am lying on my very own Queen sized bed with Egyption Cotton 600 thread count sheets surfing the Internet and Blogging to you.
This is the Life!
Don't you wish you lived in a Trailer park now?
I have free Wireless Internet coming straight into my Bedroom. Neener.
They just got it fixed. Now if they could get my Refridgerator working I would be golden. It's sad when you buy expensive cheese and then your fridge breaks and it goes bad. :(
ne way...
Here is another Caption Contest... Brandon Won the last one becasue he was funnier than me. Which isn't hard. So he is the raining champion and since we two are probably the only ones who will participate again I will do my best to make some funny ones.
Oh yeah... your prize is ... Yeah you Won !!! :)

ooops! try this one...

Ok now Caption this ... Bitches!

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Things that we didn't want to know about Darth Vader?
Their couples counciling was going great. Carol was feeling good and when the Therapist suggested role playing she was all in. That was before she realized what Carl truely fantasized about.
Turns out Luke didn't get Vaders hand but his head.
Their couples counciling was going great. Carol was feeling good and when the Therapist suggested role playing she was all in. That was before she realized what Carl truely fantasized about.
Turns out Luke didn't get Vaders hand but his head.
Oh, God! my nickle? has anyone seen my nickle?
Charolette didn't think the buttons did anything until she got to the party and playing around she pressed a bunch. She Jammed up the controls and got stuck on pleasure mode.
Charolette didn't think the buttons did anything until she got to the party and playing around she pressed a bunch. She Jammed up the controls and got stuck on pleasure mode.
Martha!! MARTHA, MARTHA, MARTHA.. OH MY LORD oopse i did i really did.. i think i do believe..
OH Heavens to betsy..
Dear oh god rest my soul i did...
I soild my self..
HOW embarrassing right in front of all these fine people .. and yall thought you were at a Fundraiser, for the poor children in Cambodia.. and here i am.. going off soilin myself..
Please exscuse me while i go releave whats left inside.
(TOp that daniel!!) ;)
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OH Heavens to betsy..
Dear oh god rest my soul i did...
I soild my self..
HOW embarrassing right in front of all these fine people .. and yall thought you were at a Fundraiser, for the poor children in Cambodia.. and here i am.. going off soilin myself..
Please exscuse me while i go releave whats left inside.
(TOp that daniel!!) ;)
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