Monday, October 09, 2006
Saaalllaaaddd Fiiinnngggerrrrsss!!!
Watch out for this guy...
I am scared a little.
ok I am scared alot.
make the bad thing go away...or... urrr... come uh.. to my house.. for uh... fish?
this just prooves that people like this should not be allowed to create because this is what happens. and people like me should not get the internet because this is what I spend my days off watching.
this is scary
check it out
oh yeah and because I freaking love dance
Watch this as well...
I am scared a little.
ok I am scared alot.
make the bad thing go away...or... urrr... come uh.. to my house.. for uh... fish?
this just prooves that people like this should not be allowed to create because this is what happens. and people like me should not get the internet because this is what I spend my days off watching.
this is scary
check it out
oh yeah and because I freaking love dance
Watch this as well...
My New Computer!!!

Well... I finally took the plunge. and let me tell you, it was worth it.
I bought a new computer.
The New IMac Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with 2.0 Ghz processing speed and 1gb of Ram with slots to upgrade to 3gb of ram if I need. and 160 gb of disk space and upgradeable to 500 gb's I think.
it's fun because I can sound like a nerd and make you think that I know what I am talking about but really I have no clue. I vaguely remember in Junior High School knowing what all these numbers and Acronyms meant. Now I just know what numbers to look for and what is good for todays standards.
This is pretty good.
It's a Mac as well... and while I know there are alot of PC users out there who are rolling their eyes and saying that I betrayed some secret Microsoft run society. Fear not, this system has the Intel Chip which means that when I get the money to buy the software I can install Windows on it and run both.
So I Can have my cake and eat it too...
So I bought this mostly because I wanted to keep up with the company that I work for. all of my co=workers own macs. in fact it seems like everyone in this industry owns a mac and if you are editing sound or video on a pc you are mocked a little. Yes they are that much better than PC's when it comes to Sound and Audio editing and evven watching. In fact I don't know if it is just because it's knew and that is why I love it so much or if I am going to fund something terribly wronge with it in the near future but right now I don't see anything better about a PC than a Mac. I mean the whole Mac package is visually stunning. I lke having it be seen where more and more the Pc package you want to see less and less. and then the user interface is so visual that I just die over it everytime.
NE way...
enough nerd talk.
It's good and I have a camera on it and microphone and I think that I could really get used to it.
Aren't you all jealous... Suckers...
I mean that in the most love and light way possible.